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The Forbidden Realms


Gaia: The mortal realm


Do not be fooled by the seemingly powerless and short lived mortal race. Individually, human lives mean little to the immortals that dwell within the Realms, yet joined together they ate revealed to be the most powerful race in creation. Through their faith, fear and worship humans brought to life every deity and demon in existence. It is for this very reason destructive mortals are kept unaware to the existance of the Realms and the extend their own power.

Tír na nÓg: The Fae Realm 


The lands of Spring, Summer, Autum and Winter court are hidden away in a dimension within mortal realm, unseen by human eyes. As the original children of Gaia, the Fae believe themselves sole heir its power use powerful ley lines to drain the wild magic that runs through the lands, sharing only sparsely with the witches in their service.
Each court shares time ruling the realm, thus creating the seasons upon Gaia. The Fae courts are in turn ruled by the regents of light and dark. Only with invitation can one find the Fae lands, and most who enter, never return.

Asurim : The warlock Realm


Home to the Warlock and Gargoyle races. A world forged not by human imagination but by a source of black magic. With purple skies and an emerald colored moon, Asurim looks like a realm of dreams while filled with nightmares. The nine continents are overseen by the Dominae, selected by the ruling Sarratum to act as advisors and wardens of the realm.
A history filled with war and lands ravaged by greed has seen Asurim's source of power long burned out. The realm's survival comes at the price of regular ritualistic sacrifices offered to ancient deities at the hands of the high priestess.

The Hells: The Infernal Realm


The nine layers of Hell are home to the most depraved of souls found in creation. Mortals and immortals sentenced to purgatory remain here eternally, forever denied to complete Samsara and reach reincarnation. Rivers of burning sulfur and lands formed from decay, fire and ice are overseen by nine archdeacons, and all defer to the Nessus- the final layer where the heart of Hell is found, and were the throne of the Demon King stands.
Worship, fear and sins of mortal man feed the Nessus, while and as it grows in strength, the Nessus produces infernal energy which fuels black magic used by warlocks and continues to spread a miasma of corruption through creation.

The Heavens: The Celestial Realm


Seven tiers of Heaven serve the celestial purpose, preserving all which is virtous and pure within the realms and providing a counterbalance to the corruption emitted by the Infernal Hells. Fierce warrior angels defend all which is deemed good and righteous while the holy Triad, consisting out of the highest members of the celestial castes are charged with translating and executing the will of sacred divinity.

Draconia: The Shifter Realm


A land were the rivers run green and the the moutains scrape red colored clouds. Most have only heard of Draconia in legends, home to the shifter races and ruled by the ruthless Dragon horde. Millennias past, these beings could be found roaming the lands of Gaia freely, yet devastating war with the Fae nearly drove their race into extinction. In an effort to preserve their kind, the surviving dragons used their magic to forge a new world for their decendants to escape and live free of persecution.

Nuit: The Realm of Blood & Mist


Shifters were not the only ones banished from Gaia when the Fae claimed victory over the Mortal realm. It wasn't long before these mortal beings turned children of the night began to clash with the customs of the Dark Fae court. Unwilling to subject themselves to the rule of the Fae and surrender their right to hunt mortals for blood, they too sought refuge away from Gaia, finding their home within Nuit, a realm of eternal night. Since then, efforts to reconcile between the two races have been made. Most recently with a union when Alura, Fae princess and sister to the dark Fae king was presented as bride to the Blood Lord Jareth, the original vampire

Naidra: The Realm beyond the stars


Creation is home to countless stars, and amongst them hide away uncharted worlds awaiting discovery. Millenia ago, Naidra chose to reveal itself and join the known Realms. Since then, this planet has served as home to travelers who cross the galaxies with the wish make their home within the Forbidden Realms. From the beautiful to the bizarre, all forms of life can be found within, and all are welcomed- for a price.

Ethereal planes: The Divine Realm


Gods and goddesses of every faith dwell within their own dimension, calling this Realm both their home and their prison. While the faith, imagination and worship of mortals gave birth to many powerful deities, their short lifespan and rapid evolution equally ensured their downfall.
Through the efforts of the Triad and the former king of rhe Hells, Asmodeus Gaia entered the dark ages, in which mortal man forsook the old ways in persuit of Heaven while embracing a new found fear of Hell. As a result, the Gods of old have waned in power leaving angels and demons to rule the hearts and minds of mankind. Some of the ancients survive on the reverence offered by loyal mortals and dutiful witches, while those in danger of being forgotten risk fading away, or turn to costly deals presented by warlock priestess.


For the love of the gritty romance, out of a belief that even the most flawed of characters deserve love, Author SJ Doran breathed life into the 'Forbidden Realms'
SJ Doran is a collaborative pen-name, two writers that have been writing together, for the love of writing and well-earned love stories, since 2015.

Living in separate countries hasn't stopped them from bringing their dark and gritty plots to fruition. 3am 'what if' texts a common thing... ideas never rest!

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