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Writer's pictureSjDoran_Forbidden

Wedding From Hell: Part Two

Updated: Sep 14

⚜️Chapter four

“So so sorry about this.” The sound of the scuffle slowly gave way to the clash of metal.  Ziva, Jez’s twin sister, was the first figure to emerge from the dust cloud, offering apologies while punting one of the frantic bandits with a well placed kick, the settling dust dissipating enough to reveal the rest of their party had arrived.  Eyes as blue as a summer day on Gaia, and golden curls framing the face of an angel. Like her brother, she was a radiant presence, cloaked by wings of ink black at her back. A fallen angel.

“We got a bit held up,” Vesarius’s annoyed tone was blunted by the look of sheer joy on his face as he swung his black blade. Bred in the pits, the demon had literally been born for battle. It had earned him the rank of General, commander of the infernal legions.   

“They thought they’d get the drop on us by attacking right at the portal.” Ziva bared her perfect teeth, swiping blood from her chin across her cheek, a bruise clearly forming under her eye. Agate allowed herself a small sulk at the dishevelled state of her maid of honour, it was a fitting look. 

 While Ziva tried to dust bloodstains out of her dress, Jez’Piel and Vesarius continued to strike down any dumb enough to charge at them. For every attacker that fell, more rushed at them from beyond the crumbling city walls. In the throes of combat, it was difficult to tell which one was the angel, and which one the demon, both having far more fun than they ought to be.


She looked back to her Queen and king, her Sarrae, neither one bothering to lift a finger while watching the skirmish with matching bemused expressions. Either one of them could stop this whole mess.

“Are you two going to do something about this?” 

Cassius merely shrugged, a smirk curling up one corner of his mouth. “Don’t want to chance getting my pretty face messed up,” he tilted his head towards Amara, “her words.”

Of course.

“Oh don’t get sour with me, Agate” Amara cut in, “Your groom-to-be looked like he needed some tension relief. Why deprive him?”

Agate released the long-suffering sigh that she’d been doing so well at holding back.

 “Should have saved everyone the trouble and  just gotten married in a fighting pit,” she muttered mostly to herself as she tried—fruitlessly—to brush the dust from her wedding silks. “Today’s shaping up to be some sort of doomsday omen.” 

Having lived through two of those, she considered herself somewhat an expert on the subject.  

“It’s not an omen!” Jez called out, closer to her than she thought, his vicious blade not even faltering its swing. Honed instinct and refined training. “It’s our fucking wedding day and it’s going to be the best goddamn wedding you’ll ever have.”

“Easy enough promise to make, I’m only marrying you once!” she shouted back feeling more than a little peeved. 

Jez’s response was a smug smile, as he cleaved through the neck of his opponent with his blue searing blade. His tall wings swept back, adding force to his blow, causing the now tetherless head to get caught in the resulting wind blast, sending it spinning into the air.

“Angel, watch out for your…” Before the warning could pass her lips, the arterial spray became a shower, raining down on Jez, coating his pants, splattering his shirt, face, and soaking his hair. “...clothes.” Never mind.

Vesarius, never one to be outdone, beheaded his own opponent in similar, if less messy style, then chucked his sword like a spear into the back of a beastman who’d foolishly drew a weapon at Ziva. Finally, this proved the turning point in the fight. Those still alive and lurking behind the city walls retreating, for now.

Jez groaned in dismay as he swiped his hands down his face, shaking off droplets of blood. The outrage on his face twisting to disbelief when realising. 


He looked up at her, eyes a storm-dark grey, his expression turning mournful. “I’m sorry Gatie. This isn’t… I didn't mean to... ” He clenched his teeth, jaw ticking, hands clenching. “I ruined our wedding day.”

They stood in a destroyed city, surrounded by bodies, the bride covered in dust, the groom bathed in blood and sweat. 

“I’ll still marry you.” She crossed her arms over her chest, offering him a mutinous glare. “But I’m not kissing you until you wash up.” 

At this, her angel threw back his head and laughed. Freely, fully and wholly. The sound was one of the most beautiful she’d ever heard.  

“I fucking love you, Gatie.”

“Of course you do.” She smiled.Thrilled by the adoration in his voice. She could never stay angry with him for long. Now a decision needed to be made. Return to Hell and perform a small ceremony to salvage this disaster wedding?, or go find out what had happened to her den-mother? In truth, she was beginning to worry.

“Would I lose my head if I asked the bride for a kiss instead?”

Agate whipped around at the voice, her heart giving a happy jolt at the sight of a familiar figure leaning casually on one of the few standing pillars at the ruins of the city entrance. “Captain Barnaby!” 

“You’re bold to even suggest it, pirate, especially after you fleeced us for the cost of your ship,” Jez snarled back, then smiled, sheathing his sword as he rejoined her by the city steps.

To call him simply bold was doing an injustice, other than the ferryman Kharon, the captain was the only one to complete the crossing through the River Styx into the Nessus, the very heart of the Nine Hells. Alas his ship, the Kyklos, had been sunk, when the cantankerous leviathan had confused the mighty starship for a toy.

“What happened here?” The more she discerned of the landscape around them, the more ruin she found. A stone of dread settled in her belly when counting the plumes of smoke rising from beyond the city walls. In the distance, fire devoured what had once been the market streets, gambling dens and slave houses of Anu-Hia. 

“Riots. The slavers'd rather see the city burn than be taken over by those who they once held in chains.” Barnaby placed a hand on Jez’s shoulder while addressing the assembled party. “You’ll find nothing but blood and fire within those walls.” 

“I need to see my den-mother.” Surely the old witch was safe? One thing she knew for certain about the captain, he would never allow harm to come to those sworn under his protection.  

 “She was moved to safe harbour. It so happens I was just about to sail in that direction, deliver supplies and the sort. I would consider it an honour to provide you all passage upon my ship.” 

“We graciously accept.” While Amara didn’t complain, her hands were busy rubbing along her swollen belly, her body leaning heavily against Cassius for support. 

Disillusion washed over Agate in that moment, now forced to accept defeat. Today would not be her wedding day.


Eyes like stormy seas met hers, Jez’s large, blood stained hands taking hers and holding tightly. His turmoil and love for her was so plainly visible, it washed away the bitterness of the moment. 

“It’s okay. It really doesn’t matter when we get married.” She loved him, adoringly, madly, and forever. Vows and contracts wouldn’t change that.

Again he evaded her gaze, his eyes narrowed, the tiny muscle in his jaw clenching tight. Still he pulled her close. “It matters.”  

Neither of them said another word, silently holding hands as they set pace to follow after the captain.

⚜️Chapter five

His second bath of the day was shaping up to be infinitely better than the first, despite the cramped tub, because he had his arms full of Agate. The water was hot, the captain's quarters luxurious, the improvements in their situation easing the tension in his muscles. 

One disaster after another, it almost had him believing Gatie’s superstition of bad omens. But he knew his heart, and he knew Agate. There was nothing more right in the Realms than taking her for a wife, no matter the circumstances, no matter what obstacle stood in the way.  

This mesmerising, amazing woman who even now made his heart skip with her touch. Jez groaned low, half in misery, half lost to delight. Fuck omens and fuck dire feelings, this was the only thing that mattered. Her, here in his arms.


He tightened his arms around her waist, her heated skin pressed against his chest, her head tipped back to rest on his shoulder. He brushed a soft kiss down her neck, his hand running down her belly to circle her thigh. 

“Don’t start that now, angel,” her voice was husky, words spoken softly against his jaw. “We’re supposed to be getting cleaned up.” 

Unable to help himself, he leaned over her, tilting her face up and towards his so he could steal a brief taste of her lips. Soft, plump and perfectly sweet.  

“First, you tell me the reason for the tears this morning.” He also knew that secrets and bitterness were a shitty way to start a marriage, and she had every reason to be angry. He’d neglected her. “And don’t blame the shoes again, we both know you could stock a shop with the pairs you own.”

“That’s absurd.” While the smile curling her lips was a sad one, her eyes were alight with a glint of mischief. “I could stock two shops easily.”

Seeing the woman he loved most in this life shed tears on their wedding day had shaken him. And instead of dealing with the issue, he’d run. An uncharacteristically cowardly thing for him to do, unworthy of himself.  

“I’m sorry.”

Fucking disaster of a day. Somehow, he needed to turn this around. For her. 

“Oh angel, no.” Her vivid eyes met his–more green than gold–and held. “You weren’t the reason I was crying.” 

“Huh...” Somehow, that didn’t make him feel any better. He still felt like a jackass, and her admission only made him worry. “Then why?”


He quietly waited for her to elaborate further. She didn’t. A small silence  stretched between them. Jez watched those lips he wanted to kiss move, forming soundless words, then as if having reached a decision, Agate moved out of his embrace. 

“I could summon an exorcist?” He only half joked as he followed her out the tub, of no mind to let her escape.

Beads of water glistened as they slid down her naked body, she stood radiant in the sunlight streaming in from the bay windows of the Captain’s quarters. Breathtaking. Overcome by the sight of her, it took him a moment to realise she held a satchel to him in offering.

“It arrived this morning.”

From inside she retrieved a wooden box and a note, the way she carefully cradled the two had him reach for a drying cloth, wiping his hands before touching them. He opened the note first, and sighed.


It spoke to the Winter King's intelligence that he’d taken an interest in Agate. A man would have to be blind or stupid not to covet her. Conall had been neither. And he knew she’d cared for him to some degree. This time when her lips moved to speak, a soft sob escaped. 

“Our happiness came at their expense. The weight of that felt too much.” 

He’d been an even bigger fool than he gave himself credit for. How could he not have recognized her tears of grief, when they had shared so much of it together? He knew the ache of a broken heart, mended, but never fully healed. He too missed Dravite, loved her still, and shamelessly, he thanked her every day for bringing Agate into his life. 

“They would have wanted us to be happy.”

“I think so too.” She sniffled while taking the note from his fingers.

He eyed the box. 

“What offering did he send my bride to sway your heart?” 

His fingers worked open the small lock on the box, and from within he plucked a strand of glistening stones the colour of sunshine, and bit down a curse. Clever Fae. If there was one thing his Gatie loved better than fancy shoes and pretty silks, it was shiny jewels. The way her greedy gaze fixated on the shimmering beads made him feel rather petty. 

“It’s nice, but my gift is still better.” The sight of the large yellow diamond nestled between her breasts like a treasure made him smug. It also gave him an idea.

“Angel, what are you doing?” She startled when he reached for the gold chain around her neck, and fought him when he unclasped it. “That’s mine!”

He dangled the plum sized diamond just out of her reach when she lunged for it, and caught her in his arm when her foot slipped over a puddle of spilled water. He very nearly lost his trail of thought with the weight of her body pressing against him. 

“Give it back.” She struggled fiercely, then stilled as she caught on to his idea, those golden green eyes following his every movement as he finished securing the large diamond onto the strand. Yellow diamond and bright tourmaline lay against the curve of her neck, like a brilliant rope of sunlight. His body ached with need as he turned her towards a silver mirror. 

“Jez, it’s beautiful.”

“Yes.” His mouth was dry, voice raspy to his own ears. Holding strong to every bit of composure he could cling to, he moved behind her, gaze unwavering from her reflection in the mirror as he re-fastened the necklace. Her hand closed around the diamond, a small but genuine smile curling in the corners of her lips. 

Light danced across her glistening skin, wispy strands of crimson hair clung to her neck, his fingers obligingly brushing them away as he continued watching her, green eyes brightening with interest. Jez knew his battle was lost when Agate let out a moan at his touch.

He trailed his fingers down the length of her neck and across her collarbone, outlining the lay of the necklace before continuing down, following the trickling beads of water in their journey between the lush mounds of her breasts. The urge to lick them up hit with an urgency that stole his breath. Too long since he’d leisurely enjoyed his beloved.

He ran his hands under her breasts, cupping them, giving a gentle squeeze as he pushed them together to perfectly frame the yellow diamond between them, her breaths turned to pants, his body heating in response.

“Tell me we have time for this?” he whispered against her neck, ghosting his lips up to her ear, revelling in the quake that ran through her. “Tell me you want this as much as I do?”

She gasped when his teeth closed on the shell of her delectable ear. The tip hot against his lips. “Y-yes… gods, Jez, yes, please just…”

He spun her around and dropped to his knees, her sharp gasp drawing his eyes to hers. 

“I’m going to fucking devour you.” he gripped the back of her thighs and pulled them apart, eager to prove he was a man of his word.


It’s odd, that when reflecting, Agate would never consider herself to be neglected or forlorn for the want of her man… but that look of promise in his eyes? She hadn’t seen it in ages. It sent a dark thrill right to her toes. She was gonna get it good. Rightly so.

Her thoughts abruptly cut off with the first swipe of his tongue through her folds, her legs nearly giving out with the unexpected onslaught of pleasure. He held fast, supporting her weight, then dove in as though he were a starving man being offered salvation. His tongue hot, his appetite rough and relentless, licking… the sucking–as though he were trying to swallow down every drop she offered him.

“mmph…I…” she didn’t want to stand anymore, the pace too wild and her body growing too sensitive. “Angel.”

He pulled back, blinking up at her, his lips glossy with her wetness… he licked them slowly, a whimper escaping from her just as her knees wobbled, then  buckled. He caught her, laying her back on the scratchy rug, discomfort forgotten as he lifted her legs over his shoulders and dove right back in, using his thumbs to spread her open. His tongue delved inside of her and her body pulled taut, her back arching, trying to get closer…more…something.

She reached down and gripped his hair, shoving him closer, his groan reverberating through her core. He sucked her clit into his mouth, making it throb and ache, the first fluterrings of her orgasm pooling in her belly. As if sensing it, he pulled back, tracing around her clit with his tongue, over and over, tingling turning to numbness, then heat… throbbing, liquid fire… finally his tongue lashed over the spot she needed, rough and heedless, the moans leaving her mouth turning to panting groans… he plunged two fingers into her, curling them up and pulling them back and she detonated.

Blasting throbs of heat washed over her in spasms of pleasure, her grip on his hair going lax as she gave in to delirium, vaguely noticing him getting up on his knees, his fingers still inside, beckoning more waves of euphoria even as the sharpness of overstimulation brought an edge to it. Painful pleasure in the best of ways. Her orgasm barely waned before the next crest hit, Jez groaning as she came against his hand, his fingers leaving her, but only to grab hold of her ass, her throbbing sex lined up with his incredibly hard erection.

“Fuck Gatie. Just… fuck.” he entered slowly, despite the manic handling, he was never rough enough to hurt her, and he was big enough to. “Never goin’ without this again… fuck…”

He stopped when his hips were flush with her ass, buried so deep it was hard for her to catch a breath. His hands cupped her face, grounding her back to reality, to a new bliss – the look of utter adoration on his face. His blue eyes dark with desire, his lips soft from pleasuring her, the angles of his cheekbones and jaw standing out starkly from restraining himself – all for her. All hers. 

And after today… only hers.

Gods, this man.

He leaned down, kissing her softly, with a tenderness she wouldn’t have thought him capable of in this moment, and began rocking into her slowly…deeply. Grinding himself against her… a shock of pleasure shot through her, her already blissed out body building towards another climax… with a ferocity. Jez’s stuttering breaths amped up the inferno within, each grinding thrust rubbing in all the right places…

“Dear…gods…nnng…” her nails dug into his shoulders, all she could do was hang on…

She exploded all at once, shattered into blinding white shards of pleasure, each building on the last… Jez’s groans drowned out as her mind went hazy…

“Fuck! Gatie! …coming… I’m… fuuuuuck…”

He collapsed, dropping to his elbows on either side of her head, nuzzling his sweaty face against her neck.

She giggled, he grunted and braced himself so he could look down at her. 

“You destroy me and think it’s funny?” he cast her a half-hearted, crooked grin.

“I don’t think we’re ‘cleaned up’ anymore.” she swiped at her neck. “Look, you’re sweating all over me.”

“Yeah, well.” he swiped a hand down his mouth. “You fucking gushed all over my face.”

She gasped, playfully slapping his chest. “Perverted angel.”

“Round two?”

Her giggle turned into a groan when she felt him hardening inside of her again.

“Hells… I don’t even know if I could come again.” Even as she spoke her insides throbbed deliciously. “I think I had an out of body experience.” 

He chuckled, giving a few tentative thrusts, hissing in a breath.

“Aw, is my baby all sensitive?” she tightened her core, his erection throbbing in response. 

“Mercy! Gatie… fuck me.” he kissed her again, slowly exploring her mouth as his hands wandered her sweat slick body, fingers finding her center once more, strumming over her clit.


“That’s it. I know you’ve got one more for me…” 

She moaned as her insides pulsed around him.

“Good girl. There you go…”

Slow waves of pleasure shook through her and with a growl, Jez pulled out, flipping her over and pulling her onto her knees, thrusting back in with a lot less gentility.

Her teeth clacked from the force of his thrusts, her knees feeling the sting of the carpet…nearly distracting enough to banish the bliss, but he wouldn’t let it. His fingers never let up, rubbing slow circles over her clit in a direct contrast to the heavy harshness he was shoving into her with. Like a long drawn out orgasm, the pure perfection of nirvana in her grasp… the bliss unending…

With a shout, Jez gripped her hips and rammed deep, the pulsing licks of heat branding her insides.

He let her go as abruptly as he’d latched on, dropping to the floor beside her and wrapping his arm around her, pulling her to his chest.

It took a moment to school her breathing enough to speak.

“So… another bath?”

Jez grunted in response.

“Hey,” she shook his shoulder, “now’s not the time to get sleepy. The wedding, remember?”

He blinked up, expression still dazed. “I didn’t forget. Just… needed a minute.” With a full body sigh, he got to his feet, stretching his arms over his head, every glorious muscle on his body tightening.  “Odd that no one’s barged in.” 

Without need of asking, he reached down and helped her to her feet, bracing her when her jelly-like legs wouldn’t support her weight. 

“Oh no.” Extending a trembling hand she reached for her wedding dress, the yards of intricate fabric of spun copper and gold no longer laid out where she’d left it, but crumbled upon the floor soaking up bathwater. She groaned. At some point during their lovemaking, they’d knocked the chair. 

“Curse and rot!” She didn’t need to pick it up to know the delicate material was destroyed. Nothing salvageable about it. The destruction of something so pretty almost enough to bring tears to her eyes.

“Just tie a sheet around yourself and call it a day.” Jez gave her a brief kiss and grabbed her hand, tugging her back to the abandoned bath.

“You...” she growled.

“Teasing, love. I’m sure the Den-mother’s will have some frocks to spare. Can’t have the infernal Duchess walking around in rags.” 

Only, she wasn’t a duchess yet. At least that could still be remedied. She’d rendezvous with her Den-mother, ascertain what assistance could be offered before returning to Hell. Once there, she and Jez could sign the marriage contract, at the very least. 

“Come, Gatie.” He ran new water for the bath, theirs long past tepid, and filthy besides.

“How long have we been here?’

“Hmm?” He turned back towards her, swirling bubbles into the water with his hand. His other hand splayed against the small of her back. The heat of his touch sent a shiver of pleasure up her spine. “They’re just giving us some privacy, okay?”


With that reassurance she finally allowed herself to be pulled along, returning to her angel and stepping into the bath with him. Everything and everyone else would simply have to wait a little longer.


“You are beyond comparison.” She shivered when he whispered in her ear, his fingers securing her towel. In this moment, she felt not only well loved, but deeply treasured.  

When patience reached its limit, there was a brusque knock against the cabin door, followed by a voice calling out from the adjoining room. 

“Yer awaited on deck.” 

The disturber of their peace did not wait for invitation, but walked straight through the cabin to tap against the bathroom door. “There be fresh clothes on the bed. Hurry on.”

Escaping her angel's embrace agate quickly headed for the bedroom, intent on stealing Jez's clean shirt at the very least, this way at least she wouldn't have to face her den mother wearing only a towel.

Surprise she stopped to find not one, but two stacks of clothes laid out upon the bed. An unadorned shift of thin silk, dyed a purple so dark it shifted to black against the shadows for her. A pair of slacks and  silk tunic beside it, equal in colour for Jez. The dress was plain, yet she instantly recognized the finest quality of Arachnae silk. The slide of soft, cool silk against her skin pleased her, the perfect fit shocked her. As if it had been cut for her body, the priceless silk clung to her like a second skin, hugging the swell of her hips before cascading down to her feet. With immense satisfaction she inspected her reflection in the bedroom mirror. The deep colour set fire to her red hair, and made her eyes appear more vibrant shade of green. Around her throat, her prized possession shimmering around her neck, the yellow diamond nestled like a bright star between her breasts.

The moment she caught Jez' s reflection at her back, she grew  captivated by the sight of him lazily butting up the tunic across his broad chest. They’d just made love repeatedly, her aching muscles lingering proof, and still he managed to set her blood on fire. 

In need of a distraction she focused on rearranging the golden bands encircling her arms and wrists. But it seemed her adoration had not gone unnoticed, muscled arms closing around her waist, perfectly kissable lips closing the distance to hers. He was going to kiss her.

“Is someone singing?” 

His head tilted up, her own confusion reflected on his expression. But after a moment, she heard it too. 

"I know this song." A hymn, one she’d heard often within in the temples of Asurim. An invocation performed during days of jubilant celebrations. 

“It’s coming from the deck.” 

Without hesitation Jez took hold of her hand, stopping only to press a quick kiss against her lips before throwing open the cabin door. 

The sight that greeted them was otherworldly. 

"Oh..." breath caught at the countless galaxies and realms lighting up the dark tapestry of space around them, and ahead, the ship was sailing straight towards a realm that seemed foreign, yet on approach proved unmistakable. Had it not been for her angel's firm hold on her, she'd dropped to her knees in shock. The current of magic filling  the atmosphere was different than she remembered, but familiar all the same.

It was home.

“Jez, it's...Asurim.”

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